Somatic Experiencing (SE™) aims to resolve symptoms of stress, shock, and trauma that accumulate in our bodies and nervous systems. Trauma, from an SE lens, is focused on how it shows up in the nervous system and how that dysregulation impacts life. When we are stuck in patterns of fight, flight, or freeze, SE helps us release, recover, and become more resilient. It is a body-oriented therapeutic model. It is based on a multidisciplinary intersection of physiology, psychology, ethology, biology, neuroscience, indigenous healing practices, and medical biophysics and has been clinically applied for more than four decades. It is the life's work of Dr. Peter A. Levine.
A really good book to read and help you understand more about the research and biological understanding of SE: Waking The Tiger by Peter Levine.
During an SE intensive, Jessica may incorporate BrainSpotting and Parts work for a well rounded approach tailored to the client.
Each intensive is 3 hours long with a cost of $400 (not billable to insurance) The initial intensive begins with an intake to gather information and begin the rapport building process between therapist and client. Relationship and safety are two of the most important aspects of this work.
Once the intake is complete, the therapist and client will begin exploring problematic areas for the client by leaning into body related communication.
Intensives allow client and therapist to not be limited by time. Oftentimes during 1 hour therapy sessions, processing is limited due to time constraint. Weekly 1 hour appointments also make it more difficult to follow up from one session to the next as the body presents different during each session. While this a barrier, intensives 1-2 times per month permit us to go deeper without the limit of time.