Colored Light Therapy
Color is a form of electromagnetic energy that makes up visible light. It is made up of different wavelengths and frequencies - each color having its own particular wavelength and frequency. These frequencies and wavelengths make up visible light energy and are a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum that makes up the Universe. The spectrum ranges between Infrared and Ultraviolet. We need a spectrum of color for health and wellbeing. The body absorbs color through our eyes, skin and our biofield. This therapy uses colored light glass frames which are within a specific frequency range. The Spectro-Chrome system evolved from the research, studies and contributions of many scientists, doctors and researchers. Some of them include Sir Isaac Newton, Dr. William Wollaston, Joseph von Fraunhofer, Gustav Kirshhoff, Robert von Bunsen, Sir William Crookes, Dr. Seth Pancoast, and Dr. Edwin D. Babbitt. This therapy is primarily used for physical conditions but can also be extremely beneficial for shock and trauma. Our biofield has an intelligence to receive the information from the colored light and knows how much to absorb and where to disperse to create balance and wholeness.