Cranial Sacral Therapy
Cranial Sacral Therapy - Craniosacral therapy uses gentle holds to release fascial restrictions of your head, neck, bottom of your spine, ankles and other key points on your body. It assists to rebalance the pulse to your cerebral spinal system and supports nervous system regulation, as well as every system within your body. It allows the resolution of conditions resulting from stress and trauma to discharge from the body. If you're experiencing PTSD, headaches/migraines, muscle tension, fibromyalgia, whiplash, TRE, concussion, falls, etc. Cranial Sacral Therapy can be a gentle and beneficial therapy for you. It also improves anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, digestive issues, any impact upon the nervous system, neuropathy and more. Essentially everyone can benefit from this gentle, relaxing and profound treatment! Sessions are performed with the client clothed, please wear loose comfortable clothing.